Thursday, May 21, 2009

RSS Feeds and Delicious

I didn't have much trouble with this week's assignment. I've had an RSS feed for a while and use it as my primary news source. I subscribe to feeds from several newspapers (covering national, world, and local news), as well as a handful of library blogs. I also use it to keep track of fun sites, such as Cute Overload, Cake Wrecks (hilarious), and Unshelved (a webcomic about a public library). I've found it to be very useful. I don't have tv at home at the moment and hate to visit a bunch of different sites to get the news, so this a great way for me to do that.

As for Delicious, I've encountered it before. I had to create an account back in grad school. I found that I didn't use the account very much, only accessing it from my personal computer, where I could just as easily use a regular bookmark. So, I still don't find it very useful, but I can certainly see how it could be useful for people that have multiple computers or split their time between locations for work. (Technically, I do spend some time at two branches, but they each have sufficient bookmarks on each computer that I haven't need to use Delicious.)

1 comment:

  1. i also find it useful to 'share' bookmarks - so the 'social' part of it all. i'm always interested in what other librarians are bookmarking - for their professional lives as well as fun stuff.
